Today, Zambezi Private School has over 100 students from different nationalities and follows the National Curriculum of Namibia. It is the oldest private school in Katima Mulilo with a well-deserved reputation for delivering high quality education over the past 22 years.
The school was established as a non-profit making organisation and originally founded by a small group of dedicated parents in 1999 to provide a Christian based, Afrikaans type education for children of nationals and expatriates living and working in Katima Mulilo. The premises were donated by a prominent, local business man, Mr Opperman and the first school board members and teachers were parents of the students attending the school. Over the years, as the community has changed and integrated, so has the school. We now serve from grade R-12 and the medium of instruction became English as 1st language and Afrikaans taught as a 2nd language.
In 2017 an extra class was added to the existing buildings. In 2020 we added a container as “Tuck Shop” and the former Tuck Shop was converted into a classroom for the Grade 7s, and our small school play was revamped and a tarmac was constructed to facilitate the introduction of ball games like Basketball, Tennis and Volleyball.
Zambezi Private School is still a small, unique boutique school with a setting in nature with a farm- feel, moving beyond the normal boundaries to ensure extraordinary education.
We go above-and-beyond to be useful and view it as our job to make things as easy ato have a great learning environment.
2025's Ambitious & Dedicated Teachers
Meet our Team
Ms Petra Mbaimbai
Grade 0Ms Magret Louw
Grade 1Ms Chani
Grade 2Ms Nanzila
Grade 3Ms Gamu Mudzanirr
Grade 4Mr Clayton Vilander
Grade 5Mr Innocent Chimbilingwa
Grade 6Mr Itai Mukuhwa
School PrincipalMr Tendai Chaonwa
Grade 8Mr Munya Onyimo
Grade 10Mr. Peter Ruzvidzo
Grade 11Ms Stella Pontu
SecretaryVirginia Jogo
Grade 7About ZPS
Zambezi Private School is the place where a fusion of individual care and attention, meets a distinctive, vibrant forward-thinking education and creates change makers equipped with skills for a world beyond imagination
- - Integrity
- - Love and compassion
- - Health and Vitality
- - Positive (a “Can Do” attitude)
- - Learning for Life
- - Honesty in all our dealings
- - Demonstrate forgiveness
- - Knowing self
- - Setting others free
- - Openness to new ideas

Front: Nelly Felix Kaveto, Myisha Simbilu, Mark Musunga, Brianna Sitahani, Lizette Kunugas Back: Carlos Liwakala, Gloria Kanku, Mark Chika, Ashley Ntelamo, Sico Mukowa
What students say about us
My name is Mark Chika and I’m the current Headboy of Zambezi Private School.
I’m enjoying my learning at ZPS because of the friendly environment.
We have quality teaching that’s availed to us by our dedicated and selfless teachers.
I recommend this school to anyone who wants to become a greater version of themselves and
become a productive Namibian citizen in the future.
My name is Gloria Kanku and I’m a student at Zambezi Private School.
Currently I’m the Head girl of Zambezi Private School.
I enrolled 7 years ago and had little knowledge and wasn’t used to the ZPS system, but the loving care of students and teachers welcomed me with open arms. It wasn’t easy at first. I learned that in order to be successful and get good grades you needed to work hard and learn the skills needed to solve equations, to interpret images and many more. Zambezi Private School has hard working teachers who are dedicated to enrich students with wisdom and knowledge
“ZPS is the school to be”
My name is Moore Sihope, I’m currently in grade 7 and the Deputy-Head Boy of Zambezi Private School. I have been here since 2019 and it has been a great experience for me. The students and teachers were very welcoming. The teachers take time to explain and make sure that no one is left behind. Since I started here, I have not only gained friendships with the learners, but with the teachers too. I recommend for all to come and experience what I have experienced
My name is Myisha, I’m a Deputy Headgirl at Zambezi Private School. I’ve been here at the school for seven years and have grown under the love and care of my fellow students and teachers. The learners are taught manners and the school is always in order. I recommend ZPS to anyone that needs extra attention and care.
Hi, my name is Muhau Limbo and I am currently studying Law at university of Namibia.
I went to Zambezi Private school from 2008 to 2014.
This school instilled in me the necessary discipline that I needed to carry forward. I remember how I couldn't write with a pen up until about grade 5 because my handwriting was illegible, it still is now of course but I think it was an important lesson to learn, for me to understand that if I didn't do my absolute best, if I didn’t make sure that my work was presentable, then it wouldn't be accepted, and that's the wys it is right now, in real life. Most of my childhood memories were made at this school and I am forever grateful every single teacher that has helped me in my journey to achieving my dreams!